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Five months after suffering a miscarriage Hilaria Baldwin has announced she’s pregnant with her fifth child

The mother of four has joked that she already looks six months pregnant. (She doesn't!)

Just five months after suffering a miscarriage, Hilaria Baldwin has announced that she’s pregnant with her fifth child.


The Hollywood actress, who has four children with her husband of seven years, Alec Baldwin, has shared her happy news on social media – posting twice in the space of three hours.

The first post reveals a video of her baby’s heart beat from a scan with a sonographer.

She captioned the image: “It is still very early…but we have learned that there is a little person inside of me 💛.

“The sound of this strong heart makes me so happy – especially because of the loss we experienced in the spring. We want to share this news as we are excited and don’t want to hide the pregnancy.


“These first few months are tough with exhaustion and nausea…and I don’t want to have to pretend that I feel ok. My one request is that the media not send paparazzi to follow me or buy independent paparazzi photos, hence encouraging them. I want to remain peaceful during this very early time in my pregnancy and getting chased around by cameras is not in the doctor’s orders 💛”

In her second post, Hilaria shared an image of herself with a tiny baby bump and the caption: “When you’ve had so many babies, 6 minutes pregnant = looking like 6 months pregnant.”



Hilaria famously made headlines in April after sharing with her followers on Instagram that she believed she was in the process of miscarrying at that very moment.

The 35-year-old mother of four shared an image of herself in her underwear with the caption:

“I want to share with you that I am most likely experiencing a miscarriage. I always promised myself that if I were to get pregnant again, I would share the news with you guys pretty early, even if that means suffering a public loss.


“I have always been so open with you all about my family, fitness, pregnancies…and I don’t want to keep this from you, just because it isn’t as positive and shiny as the rest. I think it’s important to show the truth…because my job is to help people by being real and open.

“Furthermore, I have no shame or embarrassment with this experience. I want to be a part of the effort to normalize miscarriage and remove the stigma from it. There is so much secrecy during the first trimester. This works for some, but I personally find it to be exhausting. I’m nauseous, tired, my body is changing. And I have to pretend that everything is just fine – and it truly isn’t. I don’t want to have to pretend anymore. I hope you understand.”

She went on to explain that “the chances are very, very small that this is a viable pregnancy” and asked that people keep their comments kind.


In 2016 Hilaria shared an image on social media of her post-pregnancy body just one day after giving birth to her third child, son Leonardo Angel Charles Baldwin.

Posing side-on for the camera, the then 32-year-old revealed that the photo had been taken just 24 hours after her son’s birth.

She wrote, “It always makes me a bit nervous to do something like this, but I feel that in the age of such strong body shaming, I want to do all that I can to normalize a real body and promote healthy self esteem.

“Many of you know that I love to show the process of life’s experiences on the body and I am a firm believer in how a good diet and the right balance of exercise make us happy, healthy and strong,” she continued.


In the past, the yoga devotee has been outspoken about wanting to pass on a positive attitude to body image to her little ones.

“I’m very careful not to put myself down in front of [Carmen], like, ‘Oh my God, I don’t feel good today,’ or the typical, ‘Oh, I feel so fat’ or, ‘Oh look at me, I look terrible’ kind of stuff,” she told People.

“I’ve learned that that can be very damaging to children.”


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