Giving birth is a wonderful moment, and more and more women are inviting professional photographers to capture the arrival of their babies.
But would you want to share that intimate moment with the world in real time?
Last weekend, that’s exactly what one US couple did when they live-streamed the birth of their baby boy on Facebook.
After hours of waiting by his wife’s side, Fakamalo Kihe Eiki hit record – and share – when the action began.
“Let’s try pushing baby out,” Eiki posted as he began recording.
“You’ve got it!” he told mum, as she did the hard part. “He’s right there! He’s right there, babe.”
The Californian man filmed the entire 45-minute ordeal while over 2000 people tuned in and flooded to congratulate the couple.
After the healthy baby was delivered Eiki thanked viewers for “enjoying the gift of life with me.”