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Warriors stars team up to encourage Kiwi kids’ writing, reading skills

The Vodafone Warriors are taking part in the League in Libraries initiative once again, to help encourage Kiwi kids to get writing and reading
Simon Mannering, Vodafone Warriors

The programme, now in its ninth year, aims to encourage writing, creative thinking and reading as vital skills for children. Students from primary and intermediate schools get the chance to win a morning in a community library with members of the Vodafone Warriors, by submitting illustrated stories that include the team.

“League players aren’t all fitness drills and ball skills – they read and write too! This is a great opportunity for the players to be involved with fans on a different level and really lead by example when it comes to lifelong learning of fundamental skills,” says Petrece Kesha, community relations manager for the Vodafone Warriors.

Konrad Hurrell at a League in Libraries event last year.

A judging panel made up of Vodafone Warriors staff members and representatives from sponsors Konica Minolta and CSG will choose eight winning classes who will get their very own ‘League in Libraries’ morning, tickets to a home game and signed memorabilia.

For the first time this year, the competition has been extended to include Year 7 and 8 students as well.

“The ability to read and write is critical – it opens so many doors and expands knowledge,” says Warriors player Ben Henry.

“If our kids don’t learn to enjoy reading, there are far-reaching effects. Being involved at a community level is important for our players, to give them an opportunity to connect with young fans off the field as active ambassadors for initiatives such as League in Libraries.”

Albert Vete reads to schoolchildren at a League in Libraries event.

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