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Babies under one year should sleep in parents’ room, study reveals

New research was published on Monday.

New research suggests that children under one year of age are safer if they’re sleeping in the same room as their parents.


The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) released a report on Monday stating that newborns should share a room with their parents in a crib or basinet, in order to reduce the risk of infant death.

Room sharing reportedly lowers the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) by as much as 50 per cent during the first few months of their life.

In addition, the AAP advised that babies should not be placed on cushioned chairs or couches, as they need a firm surface with a tight fitting sheet. The Academy also warned of the use of soft toys, pillows and blankets on the sleeping surface.

This is because the baby’s brain is apparently not yet developed to regulate respiration on soft surfaces, meaning that their breathing could become obstructed.


For the same reason, they also warned of the dangers of the baby sleeping in the same bed as their parents, which is a soft surface.

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