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Looking at this one picture can determine if you need glasses

This image can determine if you need glasses or not with a single glance!

The Daily Mail reports that students at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology have created this image which can determine if you need glasses or not.

Put simply, if you see Marilyn Monroe in the picture below from a ‘reasonable’ distance (about a foot away), then you need glasses.

If you see Einstein you probably have adequate eyesight.

“Depending on how well you’re able to focus or pick up contrast, your eye will only pick out details. Up close, we’re generally able to pick up fine details like Einstein’s moustache and wrinkles. But as the distance increases, or if your vision is poor and creates a more blurred image in the first place, your ability to pick up details fades away.” – ASAP Science

Still not sure? Best to get your vision tested by a professional.

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