You’ve heard the phrase ‘first world problems;’ those niggly little issues that tend not to be life or death, but irritate those of us lucky enough to live in developed countries.
And in the spirit of ingenuity, we’ve rounded up the weirdest and most wonderful solutions from around the globe – whether they be the answer to damp benches, unripe avos or over attentive shop assistants.
These are the life hacks you never knew you needed.
In Beijing, people can pay for parking using plastic bottles.
In America, you can give a tip even if you aren’t carrying cash by using the dip a card.
This clever loo roll has a takeaway section for long road trips and camping.
This little pool accessory allows small creatures like frogs to escape from the pool.
This washer has the perfect solution to all your stubborn stains.
This bar has a refrigerated panel to keep your drink cold.
This pen tells you how many pages you are from running out of ink.
This bend rotates after the rain so you never get a wet bum.
This car refuses to play tunes till you’ve buckled up.
These avo stickers tell you what to expect.
These kids’ desks allow them to pedal while they work.
And our all time favourite: these baskets tell shop assistants whether you want help or not.