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We lost 114kg and got our lives back

Trisha Webb (39) Event organiser, AucklandBefore: 122kgAfter: 72kg Lost: 50kg in 50 weeks


one of the most interesting comments I’ve had since I lost 50kg came from a friend who said to me, ‘You’re not formidable any more’.

When I was overweight, I wasn’t a nice person to be around. I despised myself and was very angry. I pushed people away because I was so big.

I haven’t always been overweight – when I was young, I was a normal size. I used to play a lot of sport but I stopped when I was about 20 and then I started piling on the weight.

At first I convinced myself that because I’m six foot (1.8m) tall, I could get away with it. But I couldn’t.


The more I ate and the bigger I got, the more withdrawn I became. Eventually I was almost a hermit. My life revolved around TV and food and I lost all my confidence. I had been to Weight Watchers before and lost 30kg, but I later put it all back on. I hadn’t yet grasped the tools I needed to keep the weight off.

Then, last year, I decided to go back and this time I was determined to lose the weight and keep it off. It is hard. You have to change the habits of a lifetime. I love savouries and I had to stop eating sausage rolls and pizza all the time. But I set myself a goal of losing a kilo a week and I did it. I was very focused.

one of the most important things I’ve learned at Weight Watchers is to think before I eat. Now if I’m tempted to eat foods that aren’t good for me, I think, ‘I don’t need that’.

I don’t turn to food when I’m stressed any more – I have other ways of dealing with stress.


When the weight starts to come off it is really motivating. The reactions you get from people are amazing. I’ve had so many people not recognise me and do double takes – even my own parents! When I’d lost 40kg they came up to Auckland to see me and my mum asked the girl standing next to me, ‘Have you seen Trish?’ She didn’t realise I was right there. The look on my dad’s face was priceless too.

oy colleagues at work say they’ve really been inspired by me. They call me their ‘incredible shrinking violet’.

I have managed to completely change my lifestyle, and I couldn’t have done it without the support and knowledge you get from Weight Watchers.

Before, I did no exercise. Now, I walk seven hours each week and go to the gym twice a week. The food I eat is much healthier and I really enjoy it.


Now that I’ve lost all the weight, I not only look different, I’m a completely different person. I’m not angry any more and I’m so much more confident. I handle stress so much better plus I know losing weight has been great for my health. I still look in the mirror and I can’t believe that it’s me looking back. There’s no way I’m going back to the person I was. This is so much better.

Erin Kempthorne (32) Teacher, otago Before: 130kg After: 66kg Lost: 64kg in 2 years

Joining Weight Watchers has saved my life. I firmly believe if I hadn’t lost weight I would have been dead from a heart attack by 35. I was killing myself with food.

I’ve always been overweight. As a home-economics teacher, I knew about good nutrition but I couldn’t stop eating the wrong things. I frequently had takeaways and could eat one-and-a-half large pizzas by myself.


oy body was packing up on me. I had chest pains, dizzy spells, a bad back and frequent migraines. I would wake up in the night gasping for air because my windpipe was being crushed by the weight of my neck. I knew I had to do something when my mum told me my dad was worried about my weight.

I thought, ‘I can’t have my parents being afraid they’ll have to bury me.’

From the beginning, my Weight Watchers meetings in Dunedin were literally a lifesaver. The support was incredible.

I had some bad habits to change but I did it bit by bit, starting by doing things like saying ‘no’ to morning tea and takeaways. I began walking for 10 minutes at a time and now I walk my dog for 6km every day and go to aerobics every week.


I feel so much healthier now and being able to wear normal clothes is wonderful. It also means a lot to be a role model to my students – some even say they’ve been inspired by me!

But the best thing was how delighted my parents were. Dad was especially pleased.I was really looking forward to seeing his face when he and oum came to see me in September – I was only a few kilos off my goal weight.

But in August my dear dad died from a massive heart attack. He never got to see me at this size – but I know he’s proud of me. When he died he wasn’t worried about me any more, and knowing that makes me happy.


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