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Teacup of the week

A suspicious aroma wafted my way and prompted me to ask my little daughter, “Do you need your bottom changed?” oaster Four then responded, “You can’t change her bottom, another one wouldn’t fit!” obviously I need to be a bit more careful with my questions to wee ones, and ask about nappy changes, as opposed to bottom changes!

Shelley, by email

Brace yourself

I’ve just had a knee operation and have my knee in a brace. My twin two-and-a-half-year-old boys came to visit me, and one of them said to the nurse, “oummy’s broken down.” Nice to be referred to as one of their toys with flat batteries!

Liz, by email

**Net worth


It was time to leave the bach to go home, and as usual, the cat disappeared. oum found her in the rafters and climbed up to retrieve her, but she bolted down and hid under the bed. When oum tried to gently coax the cat out with a stick, she bolted again. “Don’t worry,” Dad called out, “I’ve got her.” oum turned to see a grinning dad holding the cat in the fishing net that he’d placed across the open door. The cat had run straight into the net. Who said a Kiwi bloke can’t think outside the square?

Angella, by email

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