Home News Real Life

5 March

Seeking: Althea Dora Nielsen, known as Dora. Married to (Albert) Geoffrey Grigson and then to J Smith-Holley. Phone: Murray Nielsen, (06) 379 9233 or email: [email protected].


Reunion: Ardmore Teachers’ College for years 1954 to 1957. To be held in Hamilton, March 23 to 25, 2012. Registrations close February 28. Please email: Dawn Smith, [email protected] or phone (07) 855 6628, or 021 152 3571.

Seeking: The approximately 30 Kiwi girls who worked in the Faskrudsfjordur Fish Factory in Iceland for periods between 1977 and 1986. Email:[email protected].

Seeking: Relatives of Michael and Sarah Scott. Both born in Ireland, arrived in Lyttelton in 1878. Had 10 children. Email: [email protected].

Reunion: Picton Cricket Club 150th Reunion, September 28 to 30. To register, phone: (03) 573 6580 or email [email protected].


Seeking: Carole Adams, Gail (Baldwinson) de Boer, Hilda Brown, Lynne (Sylvia) Cameron, Prudence Carr, Susan Crompton-Smith, Almena McMahon, Lyn McNutt, Pamela (Mudway) Quickenden, Joy Pemberton, and Lynne Thompson. Were part of Wellington Hospital Prelim Nurses Class, April 1962. Reunion to be held this year. Please email: Pam Meads, [email protected], or phone (07) 825 2260.

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