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Wedding of the week: Sarah and Euan Denniston

Not even pouring rain could put a dampener on this loved-up couple's special day.

On the morning of Sarah and Euan Denniston’s special day, it looked like rain might spoil the magic of the spectacular Kauri Bay Boomrock in Clevedon, the couple’s chosen venue.

The Otago-born, Auckland-based couple, who tied the knot on February 3, 2017, met in Dunedin seven years ago but chose to marry in Auckland, as the city was where Euan had first proposed to his longtime love.

Photography by Ivana and Milan Photography

He popped the question after setting up an elegant picnic atop One Tree Hill, but Sarah wasn’t totally convinced.

“I asked him three times if he was sure he wanted to marry me!” she recalls.

Although rain poured the entire morning, by the time the blushing bride stepped out of her car, the downpour had ceased, and the couple and their 100 guests enjoyed a beautiful, sunny afternoon.

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