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Spiritual divide between friends

Dear Wendyl,


I have a dear friend who has always been eccentric, but it’s something I love about her. During the last four years, however, she has had three life crises which have involved yoga retreats, shaving her hair and living by some new book she found. I’ve always tried to be supportive but have a very stable and happy life and find her constant discoveries and the need to share them all with me a little tedious. How do I maintain the friendship but not have to be so involved?

Jane, New Plymouth

Dear Jane,

I can see how it might have been interesting to start with, but this kind of constant seeking and changing of lifestyles can be exhausting. I think you and your friend have reached that age-old point in your friendship when it’s time to go down your separate paths and keep in touch. Tell her you love what she’s doing and you love her, but you feel she’s going down a more spiritual path than the one you’re on. Wish her well and do keep in touch.


Send your questions to [email protected] or write to Agony Aunt, NZWW, PO Box 90119, Victoria St West, Auckland 1142.

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