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Why we sleep better when we share a bed

Turns out there's comfort to be had in the sound of snoring.

Kate feels the cold and likes to snuggle up to her partner for warmth. Jo rests easier at night once her husband is beside her in bed – and Kath finds the sound of her other half’s snoring oddly comforting – true story.

Many of us take comfort in sharing a bed with our partner and now there’s new research to prove that we probably sleep better too.

The study, published in the journal Behavioural Sleep Medicine, looked at the sleeping patterns of 15 young heterosexual couples by comparing how they slept at different locations (at their own place or their partner’s place) and whether they slept better alone or with their partner.

It found that men, in particular, slept for longer and got up later when they shared a bed with their partner. And in both partners, sleep quality was perceived to be better.

The study also noted that we mirror one another’s movements while we’re asleep too. He rolls over, she rolls over – you get the idea.

While not everyone would agree – various studies and polls conducted over the years have revealed that many of us prefer to sleep alone because our partner interrupts our sleep (and psychologists are quick to point out that choosing not to sleep with your partner doesn’t mean that you love one another any less) – perhaps it’s more about the comfort a person’s presence can evoke.

According to an LM Research study, when we have a partner who is responsive to our needs our anxiety levels are lowered, and this in turn improves our quality of sleep. In other words, we sleep more soundly when we feel secure and protected.

The LM research also revealed that 70 percent of study participants said they slept better after giving their loved one a goodnight kiss, and 35 per cent relied on this ritual, admitting that if they didn’t get the chance to kiss their loved ones goodnight, their sleep would be disturbed.

Another 70 per cent admitted they sleep better after telling their partners ‘I love you’.


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