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How to clean your pantry

It's hard to know where to start...
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Next time you want to spring clean, don’t rush out and buy a whole lot of cleaners.


Simply use the things you already have in your kitchen:

Tomato sauce: This will clean copper and brass saucepans. Simply squeeze onto a cloth, rub on, leave for a moment, then wash off.

Rice: Clean the inside of a vase or a thin-necked bottle. Fill three-quarters of the vase or bottle with warm water and add 1 tbsp uncooked rice. Cup your hand over the opening, shake vigorously and rinse. You can also clean a pearl necklace by placing it in a plastic container full of rice, put the lid on and give it a gentle shake. The rice will gently polish your pearls.

Tea: Remove rust from garden tools. Brew a few pots of strong black tea. When cool, pour into a bucket. Soak the tools for a few hours, then wipe each one with a cloth.


Soda water: Shine a scuffed stainless-steel sink. Buff with a cloth dampened with soda water, then wipe dry with another clean cloth.

Cornflour: Clean grease spills on carpets. Pour cornflour onto spots and let sit for 15 to 30 minutes before vacuuming.

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