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15 green living ideas

The message is getting louder and more urgent. We must act now to save the planet – and every little thing counts. It makes sense to start at the place we spend the most time – home. Here’s a list of 15 basic ideas to set you on your way. If there’s anything I’ve missed, do let me know at the email address below and when we’ve got enough tips we’ll put together another special feature. [email protected]

  1. Recycle all you can. Paper, bottles, jars and even plastic can be brought back to life with today’s amazing industrial techniques, so put them into the right bins.

  2. Change all the light bulbs in your house to energy-efficient bulbs. These use less than half the energy of standard ones and can last for up to 10 times longer.

  3. Save water where possible by turning off the tap while brushing your teeth, and always make it a priority to fix leaky taps.

  4. Evict old, inefficient appliances. oodern washing machines and dishwashers have energy-star rating labels – the more stars, the more energy-efficient they are. Investing in one can save you money in the long run.

  5. Switch appliances off at the wall when not in use. The term “energy vampire” accurately describes seemingly small-fry appliances such as TVs and coffee makers, which suck up energy even when you’re not using them

  6. Grow your own food as much as you can – even if it’s just herbs and basic vegetables such as silver beet and carrots. Taking produce from the garden to the table will constitute food metres, rather than food miles.

  7. Compost food scraps instead of sending them to landfills. If you have children, why not start a worm farm?

  8. Walk or cycle when doing basic errands and activities in your neighbourhood. Not only will you get fit in the process, you’ll also save money on car maintenance and petrol.

  9. You don’t need special skills or equipment to make your own household cleaners. Check out Wendyl’s Nissen’s Green Goddess website for super-effective pastes and potions.

  10. Hang your washing out in the sun and fresh air whenever possible. You know as well as I do that it smells much better, and of course, it reduces the power bill.

  11. Turn old T-shirts, face cloths and torn-up towels into cleaning rags. If you do need new ones, look for innovative options

  12. Turn the computer off before you go to bed at night. Yes, it’s a pain having to power it up again in the morning, but this is one easy way to save energy.

  13. Give away or sell household items you no longer need, and where possible, buy second hand from places such as thrift stores and auction websites. If we keep unwanted products circulating in the community, we can cut the need for manufacturing new ones.

  14. Use lids on pots and pans when cooking. The food will be ready sooner, and the process will take less energy.

  15. Buy everything you need in bulk – from washing powder to food such as baked beans. The bigger the item, the less packaging is required – and you’ll often save money in the process.

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