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Simon Gault: Mustard seeds

What to do with them?

My sister-in-law was given a huge amount of mustard seeds and handed a fair few on to me! I’ve made loads of mustard, so I’d like to try something else. I added them to some cooking, but found it made everything taste bitter. Any suggestions?


Good on you for trying something new. Yes, the taste of whole mustard seeds in cooking is quite different to the flavour of typical mustard, but it could be you’re overcooking the seeds.

Mustard seeds are very popular in Indian cooking, and are generally one of the first things added to the base of the dish. Heat your oil in a heavy pan. Once it’s very hot, add your mustard seeds. It should seem like they’re popping. Give them around 10 seconds before removing from the heat, or they will become bitter. Frying them brings out the sweet notes and adds real depth and flavour to curries and stir-fries.

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