My 17-year-old son has begun applying for jobs – mainly in the office sector. Do you think he should wear a suit for any interviews? If so, where can he get one, because we can’t afford to buy it. I have heard of Dress for Success providing clothes for women getting into the workforce, but I don’t think there are charities for men.
I don’t reckon it’s necessary for a young male school-leaver to wear a suit to a job interview, even if it is an office role. Employers understand that not everyone can afford a suit. The important thing is to make sure the clothes he does wear are in good condition, clean and pressed. I have seen young guys in unaltered suits bought from op shops that look terrible, especially when they don’t know how to do up a tie properly. Avoid jeans and brightly coloured clothes.
A respectable pair of chinos, ironed open-neck shirt, casual jacket, and a haircut should do the trick. And your son will feel more relaxed. If he gets the job, his employer will tell him if he needs to upgrade sartorially. Yes, Dress for Success does a brilliant job for women, but there appears to be some similar regional organisations that dress men, such as Looking Sharp in Christchurch and Dress to Impress in Northland. Contact WINZ and ask if they can help either with Transition to Work grant, or put you onto other charities. And good luck to your son.