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Change for charity

Dear Wendyl, I recently came into some money from an uncle who died. I’m in my fifties and have pretty much everything I need, so I want to make a significant donation...

Dear Wendyl,


I recently came into some money from an uncle who died. I’m in my fifties and have pretty much everything I need, so I want to make a significant donation to a charity. The problem is I don’t know which one to choose and I really want to pick one that spends the money helping others, not on their own salaries and administration fees. Can you recommend one?

Bruce, Whangarei

Dear Bruce,

What a wonderful thing to do! I firmly believe being charitable is a great thing to do for your self-worth. Regarding choosing a charity, I think you have two decisions to make. First, you need to find one you have empathy with. Are you concerned about starving children, or is preventing cruelty to animals more your thing? Is cancer-prevention and support something you worry about, or supporting the blind?


I think if you find something to donate to that you relate to it will be all the more satisfying when you hand over the money. Then you can check out the charity at the Charities Commission, which was set up by the government to provide openness and clarity around charities in New Zealand. If you visit you will find all sorts of information, from financial reports to who sits on their boards, which may help, regarding your concerns about administration costs.

Send your questions to[email protected] or write to Agony Aunt, NZWW, PO Box 90119, Victoria St West, Auckland 1142.

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