Imagine what life would be like if we stood in front of the mirror and focused on what we love about ourselves, instead of what we wish we could change.
Most of us have struggled with our body image at certain points in our lives and sadly, I’m yet to meet a woman who doesn’t have some hang-up over the way she looks. But why do we have such ridiculously high expectations for ourselves? Who are we comparing ourselves to?
It’s time to be unapologetically proud of who and what we are. We are all different, and we are all deserving of positivity, love and acceptance for ourselves and each other.
Take a break from social media
Unsurprisingly, social media use has been linked to low self-esteem. Try not to get too caught up in these so-called perfect worlds. Make a conscious effort to go on your social media apps less often.
If you’re feeling down about yourself, it might be a good idea to take a couple of days out for a social media cleanse.
Use positive language
We all need realism when it comes to beauty. There isn’t one size or shape to strive for as we are all unique. Using positive language can be powerful. Children and teens are particularly vulnerable to negative ideas around body image, so avoid commenting on people’s shapes or sizes and try to link any talk about food choices to the impact they have on our health.
Unfollow social media accounts that make you feel like you aren’t enough
When you’re scrolling through social media, follow only the accounts that make you feel good about yourself and not the ones that leave you feeling like you aren’t enough. Life shouldn’t be about judging anyone else – it’s about drawing inspiration from people who make you feel good.
Focus on yourself
Perfectionism is often centred around what other people will think. Sure, draw inspiration from other women when you’re setting your personal goals, but in order to be our best, we must like and embrace ourselves first. Remember, we are all unique and we need to focus on our own healthy improvements.
Give yourself a self-esteem boost
Don’t rely on others to lift your confidence. Sure, it’s nice to receive compliments, but ultimately, your confidence needs to come from within. Make sure you’re as kind to yourself as you are to the ones you love. Ask yourself, “Would I say this to someone I love?”
If the answer’s no, then spare yourself the negativity.