Home Health Diet & Nutrition

Your guide to aromatherapy

Find out what oils work for you in this easy aromatherapy guide from Green Goddess, Wendyl Nissen.

Our latest cold snap has had me jumping into the bath most nights to warm myself up, so I decided to toss some essential oils in the mix and give myself an aromatherapy treatment while I was at it.


I also dug out my warming oat bath recipe, which is perfect for staving off the chill.

Essential oils for Bath Time

Here is an aromatherapy guide to elevate your bath to a healing soak. (Note: If you are pregnant, steer clear of these oils and use only lavender, rose geranium or chamomile.)


Mood setters:

  • Calming: Sandalwood, sage, lavender, chamomile, neroli

  • Energising: Rosemary, pine, lemon, orange

  • Intimate: Sandalwood, patchouli, jasmine

  • Relaxing: Neroli, lavender, vetiver

  • Uplifting: Geranium, orange.

To treat/combat:

  • Anxiety: Basil, bergamot, geranium, lavender

  • Depression: Bergamot, clary sage, neroli, chamomile, juniper, lavender

  • Mental fatigue: Basil, peppermint, rosemary, pine

  • Mild shock: Chamomile, melissa, neroli, peppermint

  • PMT: Rose geranium, bergamot, jasmine.

Spicy Winter Warming Oat Bath


Get some muslin or old net curtains to make a sachet and fill with these ingredients.

½ cup oatmeal

1 tsp ground cardamom

½ tsp ground ginger


½ tsp ground cinnamon

6 cloves

Tie the ends of the muslin at the top with a ribbon or string and pop it in the bath about 10 minutes before you get in. While you’re bathing, use the bag to rub all over your skin and distribute the wonderful aroma.


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