Have you said goodbye to your beloved fries, mash and wedges in an attempt to cut carbs and live a healthier life?
Well have we got incredible news for you. Introducing Lotatoes – the low carbohydrate potato!
The folks at T&G have produced a naturally bred delicious flavoursome Lotato with 40 per cent less carbs and calories than common potato varieties.
Without genetically modifying and instead cross-breeding different kinds of potatoes, the team have been able to grow a lower-carb potatoe with less calories so you can enjoy all your favourite potato dishes without the guilt (well 40 per cent less guilt).
“Recent trends have put potatoes out of favour with many, often replaced with lower carbohydrate or lower calorie alternatives. Lotatoes puts them back at the top of the shopping list. They’re nutritious, delicious and a great source of Vitamin B6, potassium and dietary fibre”, says dietician Abbie O’Rourke.
Not only are the new taters good for the waistline, they’re even good for the environment as they have a growing cycle that is 25 per cent shorter than other varieties which means less water requirements.
Potato lovers rejoice! Get mashing and roasting and scalloped potato-ing!