Home Health Diet & Nutrition

How to support your heart health and your cholesterol

Don’t fear the fat – fatty acids have a range of benefits for your brain, heart and body; but most importantly, your face!

As a child of the 80s, I grew up with parents who feared fat. Remember the pointy part of the food pyramid – ‘Eat Least’ – and how it was all oils and fats? Well, just like when it comes to blue eyeshadow, perms and The Bangles, we now know more than we did back them.

There’s a reason why almond butter, avocado and salmon have become must-have ingredients for everyone’s kitchen, and that’s because healthy fats have worked their way down the food pyramid into great every day choices.

And look, there’s a lot I can tell you about the benefits of good fats: the omegas, the fatty acids. That they will support your joint mobility and heart health.

That they can support your brain health and balanced mood. That they would support healthy cholesterol and help keep your joints healthy, helping you stay mobile.

But there’s a pretty great vanity reason as well, and as a woman with a face, I know the sentence to work with here: including fatty acids in your diet will hydrate your skin from the inside and up your glow factor.

It’s particularly useful as we get to the colder months of the year – where chilly outdoor temperatures and heated-up interiors suck the moisture from your face. And if the side effects to having a youthful face and hydrated skin happen to be clearer thinking, a better mood, a more mobile body and a healthier heart? Well, that’s a price we’re willing to pay.

Easy ways to boost your fatty acids

1. Eat Mediterranean

There are a multitude of different types of diets these days but the Mediterranean way of eating is consistently a good idea: fresh fruits and vegetables, wholegrains, nuts, lean meat, lots of fish and lots of extra virgin olive oil.

2. Include more oil in your cooking

Add to your pantry with a whole host of oils: flaxseed oil, coconut oil, avocado oil and include them as dressings for your vegetables with every serving.

3. Eat more fish

Two servings of oily fish a week will top up your omega 3 levels; aim for salmon, trout, sardines and shellfish. Wild fish tend to have more health benefits than farmed fish.

4. GO Fish Oil 2000mg

For an easy once a day option, GO FISH OIL 2000mg packs a punch of high potency fish oil sourced from deep sea wild fish. Carefully tested to ensure oil quality, you get all the benefits of wild fish but no rod necessary!

Proudly Made by GO Healthy in New Zealand From Select Imported Ingredients. Always read the label and use as directed. If symptoms persist see your healthcare professional. GO Healthy, Wellington. Available exclusively in pharmacies and health stores.

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