The issue could be more to do with an emotional toll on the body, a particular medication or an undiagnosed health conditions.
Here are some of the most common reasons we can’t shift those extra kilos, and what we can do to overcome them.
You’re low in vitamin D
While vitamin D is essential for our health and wellbeing, many people don’t realise that they suffer from a vitamin D deficiency. A lack of vitamin D can be associated with weight gain.
What to do:
Getting more vitamin D is as simple as stepping out into the sunshine for 20 minutes or more during the day. Vitamin D supplements are also available.
You eat too late at night
Eating directly before you go to sleep can cause weight gain. At this time, the body isn’t aware that you aren’t going to be active and can sometimes store the calories as fat.
Studies have shown that the earlier you eat before bed, the less likely you are of putting on extra weight.
What to do:
Avoiding late meals will certainly help, leaving at least three hours between your last meal and going to sleep. Eating less in the evening and more during the day will also lessen the chance of putting on extra kilos.
You are cutting carbs
Avoiding carbohydrates has long been associated with losing weight, but it doesn’t necessarily work over the long run,
Unrefined, wholegrain carb sources release energy slowly and should be an essential part of your diet.
What to do:
Be mindful of the carbs you are consuming. Swap refined carbohydrates such as white pasta and white bread for wholegrain varieties. It’s also important not to overindulge in sweet carbs, such as biscuits.
You need to have your thyroid checked
One of the very first symptoms of an underactive thyroid is weight gain. This condition can slow down the metabolism, causing unexpected weight gain.
What to do:
Seeking medical advice from your doctor is important. With the right medication, the unexpected weight gain can quickly return to normal. Your GP will be able to diagnose an underactive thyroid with a blood test.
You are too stressed
There are two types of stress that can contribute to weight gain. Short term stress often causes us to skip regular healthy meals, replacing them with high-sugar or high-fat alternatives.
Long term stress, on the other hand, produces cortisol which is linked to blood sugar imbalance and can cause unexpected weight gain around the mid-section.
What to do:
There isn’t always a quick fix for stress related issues, but it is important to first recognise the factors increasing stress in your life and reduce them. Make an effort to eat regular balanced meals without splurging and do things that relax you, such as meditation or yoga.
You suffer from depression
Feeling depressed can often lead to overeating unhealthy foods, including high fat and high sugar foods.
Some patients who use antidepressants may also suffer from weight gain as a side effect.
What to do:
If you have an increased appetite, opt for foods that are healthy and are low in calories such as fruit. Seek advice from your doctor if you feel depressed or if you’re worried about anti-depressant medication.