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This month’s food trends

Sara Bunny looks at what’s new and current in the world of food this month.

In season: cucumber


A star of salads and sandwiches alike, cucumbers used to be known as ‘cowcumbers’ as they were once thought to be only fit for cattle fodder. Nowadays they enjoy a more elevated status. Despite being 95 per cent water, cucumbers are high in vitamin C and silica, a mineral that supports healthy skin and bone development. If you’re bored with cucumber sandwiches, try them in a green gazpacho, a Spanish-inspired cold soup. Halve two cucumbers lengthways, remove seeds and roughly chop. Add to a blender along with two garlic cloves, chopped spring onion, mint, two tablespoons of white wine vinegar and a small pottle of plain yoghurt. Whiz until smooth, season to taste, and enjoy chilled.

Did you know?

Honey bees contribute to one third of the world’s food supply by pollinating flowering crops. South Island honey producers J.Friend and Co’s Urban Honeybee Project aims to bring the buzz back to Christchurch. To support the cause, buy the new Christchurch Botanical Honey, made from nectar sourced by local bees, with a wildflower seed pack to grow your own bee-attracting blooms.

Jamie’s list


After travelling the world to learn the diet secrets of those who live to a ripe old age, chef Jamie Oliver has created a list of superfoods for longevity. The top five are eggs, goat’s milk feta, fish, kumara and wild greens. Seaweed gets a mention, as do tofu, fresh fruit and chillies, while red meat and most non-green veges don’t make the list.

Organic milk

Spruce up breakfast with the new range of Puhoi Valley organic milks. For true indulgence, try the Half & Half, a milk and cream mix.


Nutritious nibbles

Tasty snacks are just a click away with Nibblish, a new service that delivers healthy treats to your door.

Reader’s tip

If your loaf of bread is starting to go stale, just put a piece of fresh celery in the bag and close it back up.


Jean Harris, Christchurch

Words by Sara Bunny

Photos by Getty Images


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