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The one diet tip that can help you lose 9kg in a month

The secret to quick and effective weight loss is probably already in your pantry.

Want low-carb results without low-carb suffering? Studies show that ordinary lentils, chickpeas, and kidney beans can help make it happen!


“I suspected a bean-rich diet might mimic the benefits of a low-carb diet, so I decided to put it to the test,” said Loma Linda University’s Serena Tonstad, M.D., Ph.D. She recruited dozens of folks, asking half to stick strictly with healthy low-carb meals while the other half enjoyed healthy low-carb meals plus an optional serving of whole grains and at least one cup of beans at each sitting.

Basically, the bean eaters heaped their plates – which makes the outcome surprising. “Weight loss was about the same in both groups, even though the bean group had far fewer limitations and ate a significant amount of carbs.”

What’s more, “The bean eaters saw greater improvements in key health markers,” said Dr. Tonstad. “Everyone talks about a low-carb diet being great for weight loss. But our bodies thrive on the nutrients in good carbs.” She adds that beans are an especially great choice for those of us who want to slim down, since they boast high concentrations of fat-fighting compounds. “You can get such wonderful weight loss by eating beans with each meal.”

Dr. Tonstad wasn’t the first expert to see potential magic in beans. A 2012 University of Toronto study found that when folks begin eating a cup of beans at each meal—simply adding them to their normal foods — they slim down just as much as those who aim to cut 500 calories a day. And when a famous blogger and thousands of his fans conducted informal experiments to find the very best diet, they hit on a bean-based approach similar to the one Tonstad used. It works so well, “You can lose 20 pounds (9kg) in 30 days,” insists Tim Ferriss, author of The 4-Hour Body.


Turns out, beans have properties that trigger slimming reactions similar to ones you get on a low-carb plan. “Yet beans do it without causing the cravings and fatigue that are common when you deprive yourself of carbs — which are the brain’s preferred fuel,” says bean advocate Cynthia Sass, M.P.H., R.D., author of S.A.S.S.! Yourself Slim.

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Bean benefits:

• You target belly fat

• You get maximum hunger control


• You amp up fat burning by 23 percent

• You block a lot of calories

• You get an antioxidant boost

• Better blood pressure


• A stronger heart

• Diabetes prevention

Breakfast (choose one daily)

OPTION 1: Southwest Frittata (1- 2 servings)

• ¼ cup onion, diced


• 2 jalapeños, seeded and diced (optional)

• 1tbs olive oil

• 1 lb. lean ground beef

• 1 tsp minced garlic


• 1 tbs chili powder

• 1 tsp cumin

• Salt and pepper

• ½ cup salsa


• 3 cups cooked lentils or black beans

• 4 eggs beaten with 2 (473ml) cartons of egg whites

Sauté onion and jalapeños in oil. Add beef; when lightly brown, add garlic, chili powder, cumin and dash salt. Brown meat. Mix in salsa. Mist 9″x13″ glass baking dish with cooking spray. Spread beans on bottom; top with meat mixture and then egg mixture. Season with salt and pepper. Bake at 175 ̊C until eggs set, 45-50 minutes. *Makes 8 servings

OPTION 2: Eggs, any style, or any leftover protein, sliced veggies, cooked beans heated with diced bacon.


Lunch (choose one daily)

OPTION 1: Whisk 2 tbs red wine vinegar, 2 tsp olive oil, pinch oregano; toss with ½ cup each kidney and white beans, cottage cheese and 2 tbs each chopped tomato, celery and capsicum.

OPTION 2: Salad with grilled chicken and beans.

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Dinner (choose one daily)

OPTION 1: 1 large bowl of your favorite turkey chili Unlimited non-starchy veggies sautéed in olive oil.


OPTION 2: : Burrito bowl with beans, chicken or prawns, any veggies, guacamole and salsa.

OPTION 3: Lean steak or any protein, sautéed mushrooms, beans. Sauté 1 cup sliced zucchini in olive oil; add 1 cup kidney or garbanzo beans and heat through; toss with fresh chopped basil; add salt and pepper to taste.

Make your own menus. Six days a week enjoy a mix of unlimited lean protein, non-starchy veggies, good fat and beans at each sitting. On day seven, eat anything you like.

Another option inspired by Loma Linda University research: Simply eat mostly healthy foods – and include one cup of beans per sitting.


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