A really easy way to avoid getting sunburnt is to cover up with a big, long-sleeved cotton shirt. That way, you aren’t relying on your sunscreen application alone to keep your skin protected.
In my experience, I always miss a spot and that’s when sunburn occurs.
If you do end up getting burnt, try one of these fabulous fixes I have gathered over the years.
Aloe vera
I keep an aloe vera plant in a pot for the amazing healing properties of the gel in its leaves. Simply cut a leaf off, run a sharp knife down the centre of one side and open it out to reveal the gel. This is great rubbed on sunburn and also kitchen burns.
This herb is another great sunburn soother. Make a tea by pouring boiling water over a handful of fresh sage leaves. Leave covered for 20 minutes. Strain and pour into a spray bottle. Keep in the fridge so it’s cool when you need it.
Cider vinegar
Add 1 cup of cider vinegar to a bath to help balance the pH of sunburned skin and promote healing.
Put 1 cup of oatmeal into a handkerchief and tie at the top. Soak in the bath and gently press the sachet on sore skin. This will also prevent itching.
Blitz a cucumber in a blender and apply as a paste to sore spots. Chilled cucumbers provide extra relief.
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