With summer here, it is time to pay attention to your aloe vera plant as it is useful for burns of any sort, including sunburn. If you don’t have a plant, get one now. The gel found inside the leaves can also be applied to insect bites, rashes, boils, blister cuts and scratches. Simply slice a leaf at the base, then slit it open down the middle on the underside. Fold back the leaf to reveal the gel. Keep this cream on hand over summer – you can also use it as a face cream.
80ml almond oil
2 tbsp aloe vera gel
25g lanolin*
60ml rosewater
Beat together the almond oil and aloe vera gel. In a double boiler**, melt the oil with the lanolin to combine. Remove from the heat and add the rosewater. Beat continuously until the mixture has cooled.
Store cream in an airtight jar in a cool place. This will last for two months.
** You can buy lanolin from the chemist, but check that it is 100% lanolin without any additives.*
** If you don’t have a double boiler, put a glass bowl over a saucepan of simmering water. Be careful that the bottom of the bowl does not touch the water.