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How to avoid heartburn

There can be many reasons for heartburn, with a common trigger being certain foods and drinks.

There can be many reasons for heartburn – including smoking, being overweight, stress and not enough sleep – but one of the most common triggers is certain foods and drinks.


If you are prone to heartburn, see how the following affect you, and give them a miss:

  • Alcohol

  • Cheese

  • Chocolate

  • Black pepper

  • Coffee

  • Fatty and fried food

  • Garlic

  • Mustard

  • Onions

  • Oranges, grapefruit and orange juice

  • Peppermint

  • Spicy food

  • Soft drinks

  • Tomato sauce

  • Vinegar

You can also do the following:

Eat smaller meals

Too much food in one go distends the stomach, putting pressure on the ring of muscle that keeps acid in the stomach. This makes it easier for the acid to escape and cause heartburn.


Don’t eat just before bedtime

Lying down makes digestion more difficult. Finish eating at least two hours before heading for bed.

Sit up straight

Body positions that involve bending over increase pressure on the abdomen, pushing stomach acids back up the oesophagus. A good excuse for not doing sit-ups after eating!


Take a look at seven health benefits of dark chocolate here.


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