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5 easy yoga moves you can do at home

These five simple moves are suitable for everybody

You don’t need to be super-flexible for yoga. Women of all shapes and fitness levels can reap the body and mind-boosting benefits.


“I didn’t think I had the right body shape to teach yoga, but turning 40 gave me the confidence to pursue it,” says Sarah Harry, yogi, psycho-therapist and Special K #OwnIt ambassador.

Sarah loves to share her passion – and you don’t need to join a class or even leave your home to try her poses …

You’ll need:

A yoga mat and some comfy clothes


1. Supported wild thing

Starting on all fours, stretch out your right leg behind your left foot, positioning your right foot parallel to the short end of the mat.

Find your balance, then flip your body sideways while lifting your right hand towards the ceiling, looking up. Breathe for two to five breaths, then repeat on the other side.

Press down into both feet to find your balance.


Benefits: Improves balance, helps with lower back pain and boosts lower back strength.

2. Cat/cow

Start on your knees, as pictured.


As you exhale, arch your spine and drop your chin towards your chest.

Inhale again and let your chin rise slightly as your spine hollows towards the floor.

Tip If your knees are tender, place a blanket under them.

Benefits: Stretches and strengthens your spine, neck and shoulders.


3. Downward facing dog

On your hands and knees, tuck your toes under and spread out your fingers. Gently lift your knees away from the floor.

Keep a small bend in your elbows and knees, lifting hips towards the ceiling. Hold for two to five breaths.


Benefits: Energises your body, and strengthens the muscles in your arms and legs.

4 Standing forward bend

Stand with your feet hip-width apart, your spine in a natural curve and your shoulders relaxed.


Inhale and take your arms overhead, then exhale and, bending from the hips, fold forward until your hands touch the floor. Keep a bend in the knees if it’s more comfortable.

Take a few breaths and deeply bend your knees to return to standing.

Tip: If you can’t touch the floor, use a chair or a pile of books to rest your hands on.


5 Sphinx

Lie flat on the floor, belly-side down, with your feet hip-width apart. Place forearms flat on the floor in front of you.

Align your arms so your elbows are under your shoulders. Inhale, then lift up your upper torso and head. Take five to 10 gentle breaths.

If this is too strong for your back, lower your chest and cup your chin in your hands for a gentler pose.


Benefits: Strengthens your spine, stretches your chest, shoulders and abdomen, and firms your bum.

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