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These 3 weight loss tips from a health and fitness expert will help you see real results

Want to lose a few kilos before summer's here? Health and fitness expert, Amelia Phillips, is here to help.

Losing weight can be a tricky thing; sometimes all the salads and gym sessions in the world feel like they’re doing absolutely nothing for your waistline. But those custard tarts? Just one seems to set you back.

We get it, we absolutely get it. Trying to get into shape can be a tiring and long process (and our 21st century ‘I want instant gratification’ brains do not like having to wait to see results!), but take solace in the fact that with enough hard work the kilos will start dropping off.

To help you shed those last few kilos, health and fitness expert, Voome co-founder and nutritionist, Amelia Phillips, shares three great weight loss tips.

1.) Don’t be drastic

Small achievable changes to your lifestyle are far more likely to stick than a complete overhaul. By all means do a four week reboot, but then settle into sustainable habits that are realistic for you.

2.) Partner weight loss with performance goals

Plan for a fun run, do some challenges on your smart watch (Apple watch sets loads of simple monthly move challenges), do 10,000 steps per day, aim to touch your toes. Physical achievements keep you going when the scales aren’t your friend.

3.) You can’t out-train a poor diet

If you continue to eat more calories than you burn off, you will find it very hard to lose weight. Get your portions right, eat more fibre to fill you up and watch the weight come off.

Amelia Phillips is a registered nutritionist, exercise scientist, co founder of Voome (everything you need to live a healthy fit and mindful life). She is a busy Mum of four under the age of five and on a mission to empower Australians and Kiwis to live their best life!

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