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10 top wellbeing tips

  1. Protein pump – avoid carbohydrates for breakfast and eat proteins instead. This will boost your brain’s levels of dopamine and make you feel alert as well as keeping your blood sugar steady. Choose from eggs, mushrooms or tomatoes, or yoghurt sprinkled with nuts and seeds.2. Can the caffeine – replace it with water, herbal teas, grain coffees and diluted fruit juice. 3. H2Go – If you have a shower in the morning, finish with a two-minute cold burst to boost your circulation and get your scalp tingling. If you suffer from a 4pm slump in energy and concentration levels you are probably dehydrated. opt for drinking bottled mineral water steadily throughout the day. 4. Research shows that vitamin C helps combat anxiety and lowers stress hormones. one orange provides the recommended daily allowance of 60 milligrams and is the perfect mid-morning snack 5. Get moving! Walking uses virtually every muscle group in the body, burns up 520 calories an hour and gets the cardiovascular system working, so get out and start walking. 6. Breathe – relax every day with 10 to 20 minutes of deep breathing and relaxation. This will help rejuvenate both your body and mind. 7. Keep it green. Place a plant on your desk or near your computer to help absorb radioactive waves and remove toxic pollutants from the atmosphere. 8. Terminate the toxins. If you are feeling sluggish and “liverish”, eat foods that cleanse your liver and eliminate toxins. Foods that help this process are spinach, bananas, onions, garlic, grapefruit and pears. 9. Slow down – read a calming book before you go to bed and let the brain unwind from the day and prepare for rest. This will also help you get the best, deepest kind of sleep you need to feel wide awake the next day. 10. Always sleep in a room that is calm, restful, free of clutter, dust, electronic equipment, books and telephones. Keep fresh air circulating and the temperature between 19 to 23 degrees C.

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