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10 common health problems, solved!

We all have health niggles, but sometimes the solutions are right in front of us – in the pantry or vege patch.

We all have health niggles or problems, but sometimes the solutions are sitting right in front of us – in the kitchen cupboard or vege patch. Check out these everyday remedies for 10 common health problems.



Parsley for bad breath

Chewing this herb can help conquer nasty breath. That’s because it is rich in chlorophyll, a compound that kills the bacteria that can cause it. Parsley is especially good at getting rid of the odour associated with eating smelly foods, such as garlic and onions.

Image: Phillip Castleton/


Onions for itching

This sounds bizarre, but rubbing a cut onion over itchy bites can bring relief. That’s because the sulphur in onions neutralises the chemicals that cause the itching. Cut an onion in half and rub one of the cut surfaces on the bite. Don’t forget to slice off the bit that touched your skin and throw it away!

Image: David Hahn/


Chewing gum for heartburn

Popping a piece of gum in your mouth after eating may help to ease heartburn. Chewing stimulates the flow of saliva, which washes away an acid that has accumulated in the gut. Getting rid of this acid improves the nasty symptoms of heartburn.

Image: Rob Shaw/



Apple cider vinegar for dandruff

This type of vinegar can clear up dandruff by balancing the pH level of your scalp which, if too acidic, can develop dandruff. Wash your hair first, then pour a cup of the vinegar over your head and rinse with water.



Salmon for depression

People with depression often have low levels of omega-3

fatty acids, and studies suggest that increasing the amounts of these healthy fats in your diet may help reduce symptoms of depression. Salmon and other oily fish, such as sardines, are great sources of omega 3.

Image: Rob Shaw/


Crystallised ginger for motion sickness

Ginger is a traditional treatment for nausea and keeping a packet of crystallised ginger handy if you’re taking a car trip or going on a boat is a good idea if you suffer from motion sickness. It is much easier to  eat than raw ginger but has  the same welcome effect of settling the stomach.

Image: Phillip Castleton/

White vinegar

White vinegar for sunburn

Of course it is best to avoid getting sunburnt in the first place, but if you do get too much sun, white vinegar can help ease the pain. Soak a clean cloth in a solution that is half water, half vinegar, then wring it out and apply to the affected area.

Image: Brett Stevens/



Nuts for insomnia

Almonds and cashews are a good source of magnesium, which is a natural sedative. A shortage of magnesium can lead to problems sleeping, along with constipation, cramps, anxiety and pain.

Image: Andrew Finlayson/


Salt for a sore throat

Gargling with salt in warm water can help to soothe a sore throat. That’s because the salt creates an environment that’s inhospitable to the bacteria that can cause sore throats. The salt draws out the excess fluids that build up in the tissues of the throat when you have an infection and reduces the swelling and eases the pain.


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