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Web extra: Youthful skin

Follow these simple steps to keep your skin looking youthful.


While modern appearance medicine options such as Botox can certainly help slow the signs of aging, it still makes sense to take good care of your skin and stave off the need for this kind of procedure as long as possible.

Tried and true beauty adages are indeed the rules by which we can all maintain healthy, youthful complexions.

Stay out of the sun where possible during the hours of midday and 4pm – especially in summer – and when you do venture out, make sure you have an effective SPF moisturiser on. Wearing sunglasses is a wise idea because they help prevent wrinkling around the eyes, which can be exacerbated by squinting in bright sunlight.

Avoid cigarettes. Not only is this habit hard on the wallet, it can also lead to significant creasing and wrinkling – especially around the lips. A constant haze of smoke dulls the skin and leaves it with a greyish pallor.


Drinking copious amounts of water has become something of an obsession for many people, but while it’s possible to over-do it and indeed flush vital nutrients from your body, this doesn’t mean you shouldn’t drink it at all. The old 8 glasses a day rule of thumb is ample for most of us, although you may need more if you’re engaging in intense physical activity. Your skin will definitely reflect the fact that you are adequately hydrated, appearing brighter and clearer.

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