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The Bachelor NZ: Ally tells all

Her journey to find love came to an end on Monday night's episode - now Ally's dishing the goss on what went down.
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Yoga teacher Ally Thompson was the latest Bachelorette to be sent home this week, joining Jess Nutley and Rosie Woods.


The bubbly blonde – who Zac likened to Hollywood star Kirsten Dunst in an earlier episode of the Three reality series – was left without a rose on Monday’s episode, despite earning some one-on-one time with the Bachelor during a group date in Bangkok.

But while the duo seemed to strike up a spark early on, Ally says she wasn’t totally surprised by her elimination this week.

“I was a little bit surprised [at not getting a rose] but going into that rose ceremony, I kind of had that gut feeling,” she told us. “I could tell.”

In the end, she reveals, she couldn’t keep up with the strength of his relationships with some of the other Bachelorettes.


“I think we did have a connection – I really did feel like we got on really well, but I think it was more the fact that he had a stronger connection with the other girls,” she says, naming Lily as her final pick for Zac.

“I think Zac will find love. Those girls are amazing, he’s got a really good pick out of those girls – I think he’ll find the one.”

Watch the video above to see what else Ally had to say about her time on the show, and tune in next week on Three to see what’s next in Zac’s journey to find love.


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