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Get to know The Bachelor Australia villains of 2018

We're only one week in and there are already plenty of scandals.
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The Bachelor Australia has had plenty of “villains” over the years, but according to Bachelor insiders, this year is particularly explosive, with not one, not two, but three of the girls teaming up to make what’s been dubbed the bitchiest Bachelor in history!


Setting themselves apart, Romy, 29, Cat, 24, and Alisha, 25, who call themselves The Tripod, have proven they’re on the show to ruffle feathers, and there are more fireworks to come. Now sources tell Woman’s Day there’s a mass exodus coming, with multiple women quitting at once!

While she does her best to steer clear of the drama, Brooke, 23, tells us she felt like she had a “target on my back” after receiving the sought-after key to Nick’s Bachie pad on launch night.

And frontrunner Britt, 30, says the atmosphere behind the scenes was tense, with the girls arguing over using the bathroom. She even piled on 3kg from emotional eating.

Meanwhile, single mum Dasha, 32, has admitted to struggling with mental health issues during filming, writing on Instagram, “Over the past couple of months I was struggling with my mental health and as a result got really relaxed with what and when I was eating… You know the feeling when you just don’t want to do anything, don’t want to leave the house and have zero energy to control your regular routine?”


Meet The Tripod: Cat, Romy and Alisha.

But The Tripod insist they’re not the mean girls at all and it’s their fellow housemates who are fake.

“A lot of the girls behave differently to what they do behind closed doors,” says fashion designer Cat.

“Shannon [25] tries to play this nice act, but she’s no saint. She was horrible to me for no reason,” she adds.


WATCH: Cat calls out Sophie at the first cocktail party.

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Romy says Tenille, 25, is another contestant putting on a front. “Her bio on Instagram reads, ‘So laidback I need to lean forward,’ which is funny because she’s a nightmare!

“She labels all her food, even her avocados, and yells at people for leaving things on the table. She’s so highly strung!”


Alisha isn’t impressed by Cass, 23, who admitted she’d met 30-year-old Nick “Honey Badger” Cummins in the outside world.

“Cass said she and Nick hadn’t done anything in the past and just knew each other socially.

“But since then, she’s revealed in interviews she dated and kissed him, so I’m a little surprised!” she tells Woman’s Day. “She should have been open and honest.”

And that’s not the only bombshell set to derail the show….


Cayla’s made an impression

Cayla gifted Nick a love rock on their first meeting.

There’s no doubt “Crystal Cayla” will leave her mark on the mansion.

But it sounds like her spooky interests left some of the women feeling a little uncomfortable!

“She was always doing weird spells, which really freaked me out,” says Romy. “She read my palm and told me I was going to have a miscarriage, which wasn’t particularly nice.”


Things got really weird when Alisha collapsed during a rose ceremony, which led the girls to think Cayla, 27, had cast a spell on her after a testy conversation.

“The day before it happened, Cayla wasn’t feeling well, so the ceremony went on for even longer than usual.

Alisha spoke to her to find out how sick she really was – the ceremony is nerve-racking enough as it is without someone making it go on for longer,” reveals Romy. “Then in the next one, Alisha collapsed!”

Sophie’s desperate to be the next Sam Frost

Is Sophie in it for the right reasons?


She’s quickly become one of Nick’s favourites, but sources tell Woman’s Day Sophie’s intentions might not be as pure as she’s making out.

Before going on the show, she told her work colleagues she was quitting her job to be “the next Sam Frost” and she’s “desperate to be famous”.

Cat says she wouldn’t be surprised – she’s been suspicious of the 25-year-old’s intentions from the get-go. The brunette – who quizzed Sophie last week about dating her ex in the weeks before filming– says, “If you’re going on dates with a guy a few weeks before you’re supposed to be finding love, what are your intentions? It doesn’t add up.”

“Everyone knows if you don’t find love you’re going to gain something from the show in one way or another. You’d be crazy not to think like that.”


Reality romances

Nick isn’t Brooke’s first Bachie beau.

This isn’t Brooke’s first brush with a Bachie star – she’s also been linked to Blake Colman, the “villain” from Sophie Monk’s season of The Bachelorette.

“We used to see each other but it didn’t really work out,” Brooke says.

“I don’t like to judge, but I got an eerie feeling from him.”


Meanwhile, Aleksandra, 31, has been linked to MAFS star Nick Furphy, 30, after the pair met up at a nightclub.

The Bachelor Australia airs every Tuesday and Wednesday on Bravo at 8:30pm.

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