Busy actress Ria Vandervis, who plays Shortland Street‘s Dr Harper Whitley, is also a marriage celebrant and in business with her husband Chris. Here, we get to know her a little better…
If I had to choose another career I would be…
An architect or interior designer. I originally started an architecture degree before I went to drama school, and I am currently doing an interior design diploma – I love buildings and design.
My favourite song of all time is…
A hard one to answer as I love so much different music. If I had to narrow it down to one song, I would probably choose Sweet Disposition by The Temper Trap as this was the first dance song at my wedding, so it will always hold such strong, happy memories for me.
The show I love to binge watch is…
The Crown. The royal family’s history is so interesting and scandalous!
If I could have dinner with one person, dead or alive, it would be…
Graham Norton. He would he so witty and cheeky and loads of fun.
When I’m working hard, I unwind by…
Going for a long walk. I find it really meditative and it helps me to collect my thoughts.
The person I admire the most is…
My husband Chris. He is constantly positive and looking for the humour of life, and puts up with me!
I can never leave the house without…
My phone. I wish it were different, but I need to be able to be reached by phone and email with all the different jobs I do – especially running our printed apparel and promo products company Konstruct and being a marriage celebrant. Being super busy is good and I thrive on it, but it means taking time out for self-care becomes essential.
My biggest inspiration is…
Those who work tirelessly to try and make this planet a better, safer, fairer place for us all.
My fondest childhood memory is…
Running around without a care, playing on our farm.
The three words I would use to describe me are…
Hard-working, loving, assertive.
The item I would save from a fire is…
My dog Maeby, but hopefully she is able to save herself and I can also grab my small wooden chest of photos and memories.
My advice to my younger self would be…
Live in the moment, yes, but also plan for your future. Start saving money earlier!