If that plus size comment in the premiere episode of The Real Housewives of Auckland left you reeling, buckle up tight because the claws really came out last night.
The second episode started off relatively peacefully, with Michelle taking her giant dog for a puppy play date at Gilda’s.
Meanwhile, after being the victim to those fat jibes on Monday night, a shaken Angela headed off to her spiritual healer Karen to get her chakras aligned and have some invisible daggers pulled out of her chest.
Ang then popped over to Anne’s mansion for some afternoon tea and champers, with a rack of clothes in tow to give Anne’s wardrobe the re-jig it apparently desperately needed.
Shockingly, Anne was not super stoked about the not-so-subtle jab at her style, and refused to play along and be dressed up like a toy doll.
Meet The Real Housewives of Auckland. Story continues below.
Not long afterwards, Julia arrived, and Michelle called the girls to invite them to dinner at her house that night. Ange was apprehensive, but agreed to come as long as Julia and Anne “look after her”.
“I think you’re very capable of looking after yourself somehow,” suggested Julia, while Anne offered the top tip “I don’t think you should take clothes to her.”
The evening was doomed to begin with, with Angela on a mission to find out Gilda’s controversial past.
“I think it’s time to get some truths out,” she vowed.
She spent the rest of the dinner party antagonizing Gilda about rumours of her being a gold digger, while Gilda calmly explained that she was not interested in indulging in gossip.
“Gilda, you’re not getting it. All these people are talking about you,” grinned Ang.
“Do you know what I heard about you?” retorted Gilda. “Not a f—ing thing.”
Anne asked politely if she could please have some cake.
Ang then threw an insult at Gilda so vicious that it required bleeping out by the TV network. The women told each other to f–k off and Ang walked out in tears, for the second episode in a row.
Tragically, Anne, the real victim here, was still left cake-less.