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Is MAFS’ Mike Gunner running his own fan page? The signs are compelling!

How does that saying go? Love yourself first and everything else falls into line....
Mike Heidi Married at First Sight fan page

He’s one of the most outgoing and confident participants from this season of Married At First Sight Australia.


But could Mike Gunner be so self-assured that he’s been running his own fan page?

This week, super-sleuthing MAFS fans couldn’t help but notice a few sneaky clues that the 44-year-old might be the man behind his own “fan page” account on Instagram – @team_mike_mafs.

In a series of posts shared on the @mafsfunny Instagram account, it was revealed that:

  • Mike was the first person to follow his fan page

  • He monitors and responds to all the comments very closely

  • And most suspiciously, the captions on the “fan page” are so detailed that it’s either a very good friend who knows a lot about the minute details of Mike’s life, or quite possibly the man himself.

Mike, pictured with TV wife Heidi, is one of the most confident stars of the season. (Image: Supplied)


For example, in one post shared to the @team_mike_mafs page, the caption sheds light on the electrician’s charitable deeds.

“Mike doing what he does best! He has a big heart. When he travels he likes to get amongst the locals and give back to the community. He plays soccer with the kids and brings food for the village (and their dogs!). #teamMike #teammikeMAFS #mikekangaroo,” it reads next to a snapshot of Mike with a group of local children he has met on his travels.

See below for the ‘evidence’ collected by the MAFS Funny Instagram page.


Another upload once again champions his community spirit:

“He won’t be playing for Real Madrid anytime soon, but he gave it a good crack! Mike and some mates visited this village and brought the soccer ball so the kids could have some fun. Kids 5, Mike 0 (although the final score is still debated!). #mikekangaroo #teamMike #MikeIsALegend #lovenothate #notrollshere.”


We are friends of Mike. There’s a lot of ❤️ & respect for this man. Open to love not hate,” the account’s bio reads. (Image: @team_mike_mafs Instagram)

If Mike, who has been matched with Heidi on the show, is indeed managing the account it looks like he’s also been having conversations with himself in the comment section.

Under a smouldering headshot of the reality TV star, which features a glowing caption trumpeting his family values, loyal heart, advocacy for animal welfare, Mike Gunner confirms to a curious fan that he doesn’t eat meat.

Underneath Mike’s post is a comment from the @team_mike_mafs page which reads: “Hey mate! Good luck with your radio interviews today!”


Dear Mike, love Mike. (Image: @team_mike_mafs Instagram)

Now to Love contacted the fan page for comment, and overnight the page suspiciously disappeared.


Earlier today, Mike was interviewed on the Kyle and Jackie O radio show in Australia and was asked point blank whether he was behind the fan page.


“It’s pandemonium! No, it’s not my page,” Mike said. “It’s a friend of mine who was offended by the trolling and thought she’d throw a bit of support my way. Who was I to discourage a bit of support?”

Before adding: “I had nothing to do with it. Suddenly I was sent a link and I felt compelled to follow it to see what people said.”

As for why it vanished just hours after our story appeared, Mike explained: “I asked her to shut it down. It didn’t feel right in the end and she was getting a lot of flak so I told her to pull the pin.”

In the interview Mike only referenced one female friend running the account, however the bio stated that “friends”, plural, of his were behind it.


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