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Meghan Markle is seen briefly back on Instagram and we wonder if the duchess is missing social media

The duchess' account was closed after the announcement of her engagement to Prince Harry.

Back when Meghan Markle was merely a run-of-the-mill ac­tress and bur­geon­ing lifestyle blog­ger, she shared in­spi­ra­tional quotes, on-set snaps and self­ies with her dogs via her offi­cial In­sta­gram ac­count (@Meghan­Markle). Un­sur­pris­ingly, when her re­la­tion­ship with Harry got se­ri­ous and the pair an­nounced their engagement, the account disappeared into the ether.

Kens­ing­ton Palace said in an of­fi­cial state­ment that Meghan was “grate­ful to every­one who has fol­lowed her so­cial me­dia ac­counts over the years” but had chosen to close it “as she has not used these ac­counts for some time”.

How­ever, late last night, ea­gle-eyed royal fans Down Un­der (and one Grazia staffer) no­ticed that Meghan had made a re­turn to the so­cial me­dia plat­form. The Duchess’ of­fi­cial ac­count, used by the royal up un­til Jan­u­ary 2018, had been re­ac­ti­vated.

Has Christ­mas come early? Un­for­tu­nately not. We barely had time to look back at Meghan’s pre Royal life be­fore the ac­count dis­ap­peared once again.

Whether or not Meghan was be­hind the fleet­ing re­turn is un­known. Could she be plan­ning a so­cial me­dia come­back ahead of the birth of her first child, or is it sim­ply a tech­ni­cal glitch?

According to royal reporter Omid Scobie, a royal commentator from the US, the reappearance had nothing to do with the Duchess hopping back on and pressing “re-activate” but it was a simple “glitch” in the old IG system.

“For those of you asking, Duchess Meghan is not making a return to Instagram,” he wrote on Twitter. “You can blame a system glitch for her account resurfacing on the app this morning.”

We, and her three mil­lion strong In­sta­gram fol­low­ing, are still secretly hoping she really was planning a comeback. In the mean time we’ll just have to keep up with her news via the Kens­ing­ton Palace ac­count in­stead.

Via Grazia

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