Stars Sam Neill and Julian Dennison posed up a storm at the New Zealand premiere of their new film Hunt for the Wilderpeople last night, where they were joined by Kiwi stars including Filthy Rich’s Miriama Smith and All Black Jerome Kaino.
Directed by Taika Waititi (the man behind Boy and What We Do in the Shadows), the film tells the tale of a young boy and his uncle who go missing in the bush, sparking a national manhunt. The film also stars Rhys Darby, Stan Walker, Rachel House and Oscar Kightley.
See more photos from the premiere here, and catch our Q&A with rising star Julian in this week’s issue, on sale now.
All photos by Carmen Bird

Julian Dennison. Photo: Carmen Bird

Julian Dennison and Sam Neill. Photo: Carmen Bird

Taika Waititi. Photo: Carmen Bird

Taika Waititi, Julian Dennison and Sam Neill. Photo: Carmen Bird

Oscar Kightley, Teuila Blakely, Dick Frizzell, Jude Frizzell and Sido Kitchin. Photo: Carmen Bird

Jerome Kaino with his family – wife Di, baby Grayson, daughter Milan and son Kobe. Photo: Carmen Bird

Taylor Hall and Miriama Smith. Photo: Carmen Bird

Ben Pryor and Emma Fenton. Photo: Carmen Bird

Jono Pryor and Ben Boyce. Photo: Carmen Bird

Dick Frizzell and Jude Frizzell. Photo: Carmen Bird

Sido Kitchin and Cleo Armstrong. Photo: Carmen Bird

Shushila Takao and Rod McSwain. Photo: Carmen Bird

Roger Tuivasa-Sheck, Henare Wells, Stan Walker and Konrad Hurrell. Photo: Carmen Bird

Craig Hall and Sara Wiseman. Photo: Carmen Bird

Lissy Turner and Jarred Turner. Photo: Carmen Bird

Stan Walker, Mike Minogue and Cohen Holloway. Photo: Carmen Bird