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The truth behind Kim Kardashian’s gorgeous family pic – and why no one is really smiling

Ah Kim, we feel you!
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Any parent knows the hardships of of taking a decent family photograph.

Someone’s always blinking, talking, or looking in the opposite direction – and you’re left with the responsibility of the unofficial art director, all while trying to keep the kids (and yourself) from crying.

Well parents, Kim Kardashian West feels your pain.

The reality star and mother of three shared the first ever picture of her entire family, including husband Kanye West, and while it may seem like they’re all wearing their signature family pout – there’s actually another reason for the lack of smiles in the picture.

The caption for the family told an all too familiar story, proving yet again that stars are just like us.

“I don’t think you really understand how hard it is to take a good family pic. This was all we got before all three kids started crying. I think I cried too,” it said.

The 37-year-old Queen of social media then expanded on what else the camera missed on Twitter.

In the photo Kim is holding 3 month-old Chicago, while 2-year-old Saint and 4-year-old North smile impishly in front of and hubby Kanye West, who, true to form, remains without a smile.

One Twitter user was quick to point out that there was even more to picture, with daughter North throwing up a peace sign and standing on her mother’s foot.

Just your classic, multi-tasking mother doing her thing.

Look at those little feet!

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