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Radio host Tammy shares how he’s spending this summer

The George FM radio host believes you can't have a Kiwi summer without whānau and cheesecake... Do you agree?

What is your favourite memory of summer as a kid?


We went camping up north when I was about 11 or 12. I walked out onto a jetty and these massive kingfish swam underneath it. I still remember it – they looked huge to me. The camping experience itself was a bit bad because we got attacked by mozzies and the grass was really long and cutty.

How are you spending this summer?

My wife and I have booked an Airbnb at Lake Tarawera – the whole wha¯nau will be in the neighbourhood, but we’re really looking forward to spending some time with my new grandson, who is four months old. He’s my new best mate!

If you could invite three people – living or historical – to come to a summer barbecue, who would you choose and why?


My older brother Julian cos he’s mean as on the barbie. Bob Marley cos he’d bring good tunes and play the guitar, and Matt Watson, the fishing guy. He slays the big red dogs – snapper – and I love my kaimoana!

What is your go-to summer drink or cocktail?

It’s a mojito for me. It takes a little bit of prep but it’s refreshing and delicious. If I’m just grabbing something from the fridge, it’s a purple Pals or a Swordfish lager.

Tammy Davis at the beach in summer

What is your favourite summer sport or outdoor activity?

Doing bombs off the rocks. Is that even a sport? I love being in the sea or pool. And I just bought a paddle board, so I’m going to enjoy doing that. I also hope to have a bit more time to smash some balls on the golf course.

Best place to swim in New Zealand?

The best place would have to be Matauri Bay up north – just beautiful water and quiet, but don’t go there and ruin it for me and the locals! And Crayfish Bay in the Coromandel cos it’s close to Luke’s Kitchen and it’s nice to finish a swim with a cold beer and some yummy food.


Finish this sentence: “Summer isn’t complete without…”

Whānau and cheesecake.

Listen to Tammy 6am to 10am weekday mornings on George FM.


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