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Rachel Hunter: Winning attitude

The Top Model judge decodes what it takes to be a successful model.
Rachel Hunter, judge on New Zealand's Next Top Model

What a great end to New Zealand’s Next Top Model. While it wasn’t an obvious outcome and it could have gone either way, Brigette did so well and she absolutely has a face that can work in the modelling world.


The 21-year-old overcame a huge obstacle in the series as she had lost her boyfriend to prescription drugs shortly before the show started filming. But she remained dignified and never played the victim, which I think earned her huge respect. She also retained her vulnerability and courage, which came through in her photos.

Brigette reminds me of the way I was when I began modelling. She knows what she wants to do and knows where to draw the line if she isn’t happy. She also did a great job on the World catwalk in the final at fashion week. She blended so well with the professional models, some of the audience didn’t even realise she was a Top Model contestant and that’s a huge achievement.

While I was a fan of Rosanagh, there was no way she could have won after the negative publicity about her second drink-driving conviction and the photos of her on Facebook that appeared to show her next to illegal drugs.

I hope she’s learned you don’t have to reveal all for the public until you’re comfortable. I didn’t talk about my split with [former fiancé] Jarret until I was ready. Rosanagh was clearly scared to tell the whole truth up front so only told half the story, but it came back to bite her. We all make mistakes, but people can be understanding when you need them to be.


While Rosanagh has done really well and has a great face, she simply didn’t have the X-factor you’d need to overcome that kind of a start.

But I see no reason why she couldn’t succeed if she wants to. She and Bianca both did well and it’s often the ones who don’t win competitions that do best in the end. Ruby, who came fourth in the first Top Model, has the biggest profile in New Zealand now she’s in the Postie ads.

I hope all the girls have learned a lot from the show. They’ve got the basics down, now most of what they need to know will come from experience. I wish all of them the best of luck.

Rachel’s Top Model Tips

  1. Trust your agent. Sign with someone who you’re confident will get the right jobs for you and listen to what they have to say. Agents such as Sara Tetro have a lot of experience – they will point you in the right direction.

  2. Use your instinct. If something feels wrong, it probably is. Get advice from those in the business, but if it’s not right for you, believe in yourself.

  3. Enjoy yourself! Modelling isn’t a hard business to learn, but like any career, it will have peaks and troughs. You never know how long your career will last – when I started modelling I thought I’d be done within six months – so have fun while it lasts.

  4. Be open to change. As a model, you’ll be expected to move with the look of the moment – don’t be afraid to try something new.

  5. Don’t give up too soon. If you truly believe this is the career for you, give it a good shot. You only get one chance at life – grab it with both hands!

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