It’s a brave keyboard warrior who takes on real-life warrior Pink. But someone did, coming after Pink’s family, and what happened next was nothing short of perfection.
It all began when the musical megastar and mum-of-two posted a seemingly innocent image of one-year-old son Jameson looking completely delighted with himself with an obvious mouthful of chocolate and the requisite toddler smear of said chocolate all over his face and hands.
Pink captioned the image with a tongue-in-cheek: “Chocolate is good for babies right? Help me Instagram, we can’t possibly parent without you.”
For the most part the love came flooding in as fans cooed over the adorable picture.
But then…
Instagram user @sporty_mom5 responded , taking aim at Pink’s hubby, professional motocross rider Carey Hart.
“Sarcasm I love as I am too but with your husband being in the spotlight so often with his complete lack of regard for proper care or concern at times with your kids, this comment isn’t funny, albeit Jameson is adorable,” she began.
“I love your music, your kids are beautiful but your husband, I’m sorry, lacks the responsibility your kids need in his care. I know, hit your fave button. I’ll miss your posts.”
Sure Pink, like many people in the public profile, gets trolled often, and for the most part she doesn’t react. But this time she loaded up her artillery and returned fire with a slap down that at the time of publishing has received over 40,000 likes.
“You sound well-informed on the performance of my husband as a father,” the star wrote.
“Answer me this: How often have you watched him parent? Do you know my children? Are you aware of their development? Even better: What are your credentials in parenting expertise? Are you a perfect parent? S — t, are you even a parent? A psychologist? A teacher?
“These are bold statements from a social media spectator. I won’t even unfollow you. It’s not worth the trouble. You sound like a person that could learn something by looking at all of this.”
Pink ended her epic takedown with: “God bless your perfect path. I have no interest in that myself. However, do check in from time to time to let us all know what other teachings you may have for us, oh perfect f — king stranger.”
Oh dear…