The best advice I’ve been given is… People will forget what you said, they’ll forget what you did, but they’ll never forget how you made them feel.
When I feel overwhelmed by pressure… I’d like to say I do something worthy, but I probably demolish a packet of chocolate biscuits, then call my best friend to vent my spleen. Sometimes some vigorous cleaning helps too!
My most treasured childhood memory is… Always coming home to a single orchid in a little package from my mum after a test, dancing exam, or performance.
My favourite thing in my home is… Two hanging seats on my deck – it’s a great spot to watch the sun go down and take a few minutes to press pause.

My favourite quote is… From John Milton: “The mind is its own place, and in itself can make a heaven of hell, a hell of heaven.” It reminds me that you have a choice about how you feel, even when you can’t control the circumstances.
My favourite holiday memory is… Taking a box of colourful ukuleles to kids at an AIDS hospice in Cambodia. Their reaction was priceless. Some of the boys immediately assumed the position of a rock star and knew all the words to Western pop songs – in poor, rural Cambodia! We were real novelties and the kids led us around, and held our hands all day. A little girl called Gehra absolutely stole my heart.
A perfect evening with my best friends involves… Plenty of wine and a home-cooked meal. My friends are all great cooks and we have an annual wild-food festival where you must grow, gather, forage or hunt most of the ingredients. This year I made beetroot cured salmon and Scandinavian crispbread, plus a zucchini relish, a tomato relish and pickled cucumbers with produce from our garden.
The person I have been most star-struck by was… Actor William Roache on Breakfast a few years ago – pre-controversy. Tragically, I’m a long-time Coronation Street fan and I think I called him Ken Barlow instead of Bill.
My most amusing on-air moment was… During my first-ever live cross, seven years ago. My cameraman, unaware we were live, picked up the camera and repositioned it, because the wind was blowing my hair in my face. You see me follow the camera to its new position then attempt to continue, before bewilderedly asking, “But we’re live… aren’t we?” Not the best debut, and only funny in hindsight!
When I need time in nature I go to… The beach, the Waitakere Ranges, or the dog park with Rico, my one-year-old German Shepherd. He’s almost 40 kilos and his best friend is a Griffon called Henry who is about 2.5 kilos.
In 20 years’ time I hope I am… Is it too dull and boring to say mortgage-free?
Photos: Getty Images and courtesy of TVNZ