Celebrity News

Hollywood womaniser diagnosed with HIV

Tinseltown is reeling after reports a serial womaniser has been diagnosed with HIV

A British newspaper is reporting that a certain high-profile Hollywood star notorious for his womanising ways has been diagnosed with HIV.

According to The Sun, the mystery celebrity’s famous exes include everyone from a religious movie star to an award-winning actress. The star’s legal team is said to be aware of the diagnosis and preparing for potential legal issues as the news becomes public.

“It has now become common knowledge that this star is HIV positive, something he has known for a number of years,” a source told The Sun.

“The reality is that if he’s knowingly put women at risk then that’s disgusting and it’s only a matter of time before that becomes public.”

HIV, which affects the immune system and can develop into AIDS if left untreated, is spread through the bodily fluid of infected people. In New Zealand, 217 people were diagnosed with HIV last year, with 108 being infected in New Zealand.

For more information on HIV in New Zealand, visit the New Zealand AIDS Foundation website.

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