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Coronation Street love crashes

Tina O'Brien and Ryan Thomas' stormy relationship seems to imitate their on-screen characters'.
Tina O'Brien and Ryan Thomas from Coronation Street

The six-year romance between Coronation Street stars Tina O’Brien and Ryan Thomas has come crashing to a halt since Ryan was involved in a drunken car smash in Manchester.


The incident came as the final nail in the coffin for new mum Tina, who took their baby daughter Scarlett (13 months) and moved out of the couple’s shared home. Friends says this is the bitter end for Tina (26) and Ryan (25). The couple’s stormy relationship seems to imitate their on-screen love affair, which also closed with Tina’s character, Sarah-Louise Platt, walking out on Jason Grimshaw, played by Ryan, after a volatile few years together.

Tina is reported to be “absolutely livid” about Ryan’s latest piece of bad behaviour as well as his refusal to grow up and fulfill his role as a responsible father to their daughter. “When Tina found out about the crash, she went absolutely ballistic,” says a close friend. “She is madly in love with him but she can’t let something as big as this slide.”

Ryan was with a friend when his Chrysler car hit a lamppost at 4am on Saturday 31 October. The actor fled immediately after the accident, leaving his pal behind at the scene Ryan later presented at the police station for questioning and another man has since been charged with driving under the influence of drink and drugs.

Ryan’s chequered past features various examples of erratic behaviour including a driving offence, the trashing of a hotel suite and several pub brawls. A devastated Tina, who is tipped to return to the show next year after a two-year absence, is being comforted by close friends while Ryan is on holiday in Amsterdam with his buddies.


A friend says, “Ryan and Tina have always had a fiery relationship although deep down everyone thought they would spend the rest of their lives together. “They fought like cats and dogs, even in front of friends, but that just came as part and parcel of their romance.

“But recently the arguments became more frequent and slowly but surely they were driven apart. One fight was even over cheating. “At the moment, it is very acrimonious and there is little chance of them getting back together. It is still very raw. They’re barely on speaking terms.”

Another pal adds, “I believe it looks like the end this time. But they’ll try to get on for Scarlett’s sake.”


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