In total, 224 supposedly unretouched images of Bey were displayed on a fansite called The Beyonce World earlier today. They have since been taken down, but not before the pictures caused a storm of controversy online.
Bey can be seen sporting a full face of heavy makeup in the leaked shots, which Complex managed to save before they were removed. While they aren’t the flawless photos we usually see of the ‘Drunk in Love’ singer, many have come to Bey’s defence:
We know Beyoncé is pretty. We know Beyoncé wears a lot of makeup. You have exposed nothing but your pettiness.
I’ve been two feet away from Beyoncé when she had zero makeup on + she’s breathtaking .. Some of us just have bad skin days.
Shortly after posting the leaked images, The Beyoncé World took them down with this message:
“Due to the disdain of the BeyHive, we have removed the photos. We don’t want to cause any drama, nor do we wish to start fan wars. Some of the things we have seen posted were just horrible, and we don’t want any part of it. We were just posting the photos to share the fact that our queen is naturally beautiful, at the same time she is just a regular woman.”
Beyoncé – who, it should be noted, regularly posts makeup-free pictures on her own social media account – has yet to comment on the leaked photos.