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Meghan Markle’s meditation routine has been revealed: “I am just happier”

Apparently meditation rocked Meghan Markle's world.

We know from Meghan Markle’s pre-royal interviews that the Duchess of Sussex lives and breathes wellness.


She’s an avid yoga fan (apparently she gets this from her yoga teacher mother, Doria Ragland), loves to go for 10km runs and regularly drinks green juices (trust us, exercising and eating like Meghan is a lot harder than it sounds!)

One thing we didn’t know about Meghan’s wellness routine – until now – is that she meditates!

Like most people, Meghan didn’t have much enthusiasm for the mindful practice at first. In fact, she wrote on her now-deleted lifestyle blog The Tig that she initially found certain aspects of meditation daunting – “the thoughts, the distractions, the boredom of it,” she said.

The 2015 blog post titled ‘Introduction to Meditation’, reveals how the former actress started practising Vedic Meditation, the positive affect it had on her and also detailed how to start meditating.


Meghan revealed that she was introduced to a man named Light, who had an energy about him – a “quiet confidence”.

“It just made you feel good to be around him,” Meghan wrote.

“Turns out Light is a Vedic Meditation coach. That type of meditation that Russell Simmons swears by, that people say changes their life and the trajectory of their future — more success, more fulfillment, more happiness, less worry. I had to talk to him about this. And I did. In addition to taking his course.”


Meghan went on to explain that meditation became the quietude that rocked her world.

“I can’t put my finger on the why or the how, but I will tell you this much, for me… I am just happier. And meditation has much to do with that.

“I know you’ll think of a million excuses as to why this is silly or why you don’t have time for it; much like the day I told Light I didn’t have enough hours in the day to do it, and he told me that’s why I needed to meditate twice as much.

“Not gonna lie, I rolled my eyes thinking ‘Oh give me a break, mystic man.’ But low and behold, this mystical man was right.”


To practise Vedic Meditation, according to Meghan Markle

1. Get into a comfortable seated position.

2. Set a finish time, but don’t set an alarm as this may shock you out of your meditation.

3. Notice your breathing and when your mind wanders.

4. Embrace (don’t fight) your thoughts. Meghan says: “It’s okay to get lost in your thoughts. And whenever you realise you’re meditating, just passively begin to notice your breathing again. Let all of the thoughts come and go — as you forget and become aware that you are meditating, it’s best not to resist any thoughts, including ideas, songs, conversations, images, feelings, or sensations. Embrace all mental experiences without concern, remorse, or regret.”


5. Check the time periodically, when you reach your finish time, slowly open your eyes and bring yourself back to the present.

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