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TV wars for Jen and Brad

Newly divorced Jennifer Aniston and Brad Pitt are set to reveal the reasons for their surprise split in separate television interviews. The former Friends star has chosen to reveal her side to Diane Sawyer, while Brad is said to have chosen Barbara Walters. “These interviews represent an enormous challenge to Brad, Jennifer and Angelina. oillions of fans want to know exactly why Hollywood’s so-called happiest marriage shattered,” says a source close to Brad and Jen. But it seems Brad and Jen won’t be fighting over their wedding photographs. A life-sized photograph of them on their wedding day, which now lies on the floor of the Beverly Hills mansion they once shared, was reportedly the only thing left in the house. The estate agent revealed: “Neither Brad nor Jen want it. It’s too heartbreaking for them, and Angelina wouldn’t be too thrilled if Brad put it up in his oalibu pad.”

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