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Top 20 Edmonds recipes as chosen by you

Here are the top 20 Edmonds recipes, as voted on by New Zealand Woman's Weekly readers.
Edmonds Cookery Book

The Edmonds Cookery Book takes most New Zealanders down memory lane. The scents of Edmonds baking in the oven are engrained in Kiwi childhoods and the flavours remind us of people we love. The iconic orange spiral bound book can always be trusted to deliver delectable results.


Recently, New Zealand Woman’s Weekly ran a competition asking readers to name their favourite Edmonds recipe. The response was overwhelming!

Fiona Fraser, Editor of New Zealand Woman’s Weekly was thrilled but not surprised. “I have my own memories of standing at the bench with Mum, attempting Hokey Pokey without burning it, or pretty pink and white Coconut Ice. The Edmonds Cookery Book remains on my recipe book shelf to this day. I knew Weekly readers would each have their own experiences with Edmonds to draw on, and wouldn’t hesitate to proffer their opinion on their favourites. There’s such heritage in both the Edmonds and the Weekly brands – it was a perfect fit.”

The last time this question was asked was a decade ago. Despite our evolving food culture, when it comes to baking, the Kiwi classics still reign supreme. In the latest Top 20, Banana Cake took the top spot once again. Other perennial favourites include Afghans, Ginger Crunch, Pikelets, Scones and the never-fail One Egg Chocolate Cake. New additions to the Top 20 list are Pavlova and Cinnamon Cream Oysters, which further proves the oldies are still goodies.

The recipes are all included in a revised edition of Edmonds Classics, a compendium of New Zealander’s favourite Edmonds recipes.


The top 20 Edmonds Cookery Book recipes as chosen by the Weekly readers are:

  1. Banana Cake

  2. Afghans

  3. Ginger Crunch

  4. Scones

  5. Pikelets

  6. Sante / Chocolate Chip Biscuits

  7. Mustard Sauce

  8. Anzac Biscuits

  9. Peanut Brownies

  10. Shortbread

  11. One Egg Chocolate Cake

  12. Yoyos

  13. Cheese Scones

  14. Pavlova

  15. Louise Cake

  16. Bacon & Egg Pie

  17. Cinnamon Cream Oysters

  18. Hokey Pokey Biscuits

  19. Cup Cakes

  20. Carrot Cake

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